Righteous Defense
/cast [help,nodead][target=targettarget,help,nodead] Righteous Defense;
или можно так
/cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][help,nodead][target=targettarget,help,nodead] Righteous Defense;
Judgement of Light
/castsequence [harm] reset=target/shift Seal of Light, Judgement
Judgement --> Seal of Righteousness
#showtooltip Seal of Righteousness
#show Judgement
/cast Judgement
/cast Seal of Righteousness
Greater Blessings
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Greater Blessing of Wisdom; [target=target,help] Greater Blessing of Wisdom; [target=player] Greater Blessing of Wisdom
Single target blessings
/cast [target=mouseover,exists] Blessing of Might; Blessing of Might
Single/Greater Blessing
/cast [modifier:shift] Greater Blessing of Might; Blessing of Might
Cleanse, Holy Light, Flash Light
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,nodead] Cleanse; Cleanse
впринципи тоже самое токо посложнее
#showtooltip Cleanse
/cast [target=mouseover,exists,help] Cleanse; [target=target,help] Cleanse; [target=player] Cleanse;
или так
#showtooltip Cleanse
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Cleanse; [target=mouseover,exists,help] Cleanse; [target=target,help] Cleanse; [target=targettarget,help] Cleanse; [target=player] Cleanse;
Retribution Combo
/castsequence reset=10 Crusader Strike, Judgement, Seal of Command
Auto Attacking Regardless of Cooldowns with Crusader Strike
/cast Crusader Strike
Seal of Command Multi-Rank
/cast [modifier:alt][modifier:control] Seal of Command(Rank 1); Seal of Command
Consecration Multi-Rank
/cast [modifier:alt] Consecration(Rank 1); Consecration
/cast [nocombat] Consecration(Rank 1); Consecration
Fast Freedom(удобно в ПвП)
/cast [target=player] Blessing of Freedom
кнопка на JotC/JoR/JoC Macro
/castsequence [modifier:shift] reset=30,target/combat Seal of the Crusader, Judgement;[equipped:Shields] reset=30 Seal of Righteousness, Judgement;[equipped:Two-Handed Swords/Two-Handed Maces/Two-Handed Axes/Polearms] reset=30 Seal of Command, Judgement
Spelladin Seals Macro
/cast [nocombat] Seal of the Crusader(Rank 6)
/castsequence reset=(set 8 or 10 depending if you have improved or not) Seal of Righteousness(Rank 8), Seal of Command(Rank 5)
или так
/cast [nocombat] Seal of the Crusader(Rank 6)
/castsequence reset=(set 8 or 10 depending if you have improved or not) Seal of Righteousness(Rank 8), Seal of Command(Rank 5), Hammer of Justice(Rank 4)
#showtooltip Redemption
/cast Redemption
/stopmacro [nohelp,nodead]
/gr Я воскрешаю %t.
Preventing Runners (Seal of Justice)
/cast Seal of Justice
/cast Judgement
Mount with Crusader Aura
/cast [nocombat, nomounted] Crusader Aura; [mounted] Concentration Aura;
/cast [nocombat, nomounted] Blue Hawkstrider;
Random Mount with Crusader Aura
/cast [nomounted] Crusader Aura
/castrandom Summon Charger,Reins of the Black War Tiger
/dismount [mounted]
/cast Concentration Aura
Summon Charger with Crusader Aura
/castsequence [nocombat, nomounted] Crusader Aura, Summon Charger
/cast [mounted] Devotion Aura
/dismount [mounted]
можно чуть усложнить
/cast [nocombat, nomounted] Summon Charger
/castsequence [mounted] Crusader Aura, Summon Charger
/cast [mounted] Devotion Aura
Gathering and Tracking Macros
/castsequence [nocombat] find herbs, find minerals, sense undead