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Макросы для Лока

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макросы на петов

атака пета + шадов болт
/petattack [modifier]
/cast Shadow Bolt

/petattack [target=pettarget,noexists]
/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]

/castsequence reset=combat/target Corruption, Curse of Agony, Life Tap, Drain Life, Shoot

/petattack [nomodifier]
/castsequence [nomodifier] reset=target/combat Corruption, Curse of Agony, Immolate, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt, Shoot
/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul

/castsequence [modifier:alt,nogroup,pet:Voidwalker/pet:Felhunter] Searing Pain, Shadow Bolt, Shadow Bolt
/cast [modifier:alt] Shadow Bolt
/castsequence reset=combat/target Immolate, Curse of Agony, Corruption

/cast [pet:voidwalker,nocombat] Consume Shadows; [pet:voidwalker,combat] Sacrifice
/cast [pet:Succubus,target=focus] Seduction; [pet:Succubus] Seduction
/cast [pet:Felhunter,target=focus] Devour Magic
/focus [target=focus,dead]

/cast [pet:imp] Dark Pact; Life Tap

/cast [button:2,target=player] Devour Magic; Devour Magic

/cast Fel Domination
/cast Summon [pet you want to summon](Summon)

/cast [modifier:shift]Summon Imp(Summon); [modifier:ctrl]Summon Succubus(Summon); [button:2]Summon Voidwalker(Summon); Summon Felhunter(Summon)

/focus [nocombat]
/petattack [target=focus, exists,harm,combat]; [target=focustarget,exists,harm,combat]; target

/cast [nopet:Voidwalker] Summon Voidwalker
/cast [pet:Voidwalker,nocombat] Consume Shadows
/cast [pet:Voidwalker,combat] Sacrifice

или так

/cast [target=pet,dead] Summon Voidwalker; [combat,pet:Voidwalker] Sacrifice; Summon Voidwalker

вот еще интересный пример 2 кнопки на контроль петом
1 кнопка
/petattack [harm]

2 кнопка
/petfollow [pet:succubus]
/cast [harm] Spell Lock
/cast [help] Devour Magic
/cast Seduction
/cast Sacrifice
/cast Intercept
/petstay [noexists]
/petdefensive [noexists]

еще один пример макроса вызова любого пета на одну кнопку
/cast [button:1,nomodifier] Summon Imp
/cast [modifier:alt] Summon Succubus
/cast [modifier:ctrl] Summon Felhunter
/cast [modifier:shift] Summon Voidwalker
/cast [button:2,nomodifier] Summon Felguard
/cast [button:2,modifier:shift] Summon Felsteed
/cast [button:2,modifier:alt] Summon Dreadsteed

этот макрос используется в групах из 3 человек очень часто на аренах 3на3 можно увидить подобный макрос
/cast [pet:Felhunter,button:1,target=party1] Devour Magic;
/cast [pet:Felhunter,button:2,target=party2] Devour Magic;
/cast [pet:Felhunter,button:3,target=player] Devour Magic;

#showtooltip Spell Lock
/clearfocus [modifier:shift]
/focus [target=focus, noexists]
/cast [nomodifer, pet:Felhunter, target=focus, harm] Spell Lock; [modifier:ctrl, pet:Felhunter, target=mouseover, harm] Spell Lock

#showtooltip Devour Magic
/cast [modifier:shift, pet:Felhunter] Devour Magic; [pet:Felhunter, target=player] Devour Magic

/castsequence reset=10
/target Curse of Agony, Siphon Life, Corruption, Immolate

ладно на петов уже помоему достаточно написал теперь немного о камнях

/cast [equipped:Wand] Shoot; Master Spellstone

или немного посложнее

#show Shadow Ward
/cast [nomodifier,equipped:wand] Shoot
/cast [nomodifier,equipped:relic] Major Spellstone
/cast [modifier:alt] Shadow Ward

бывает так что иногда в макрос не все влазиет так как макрос имеет ограничение 255 символов можно разбить на 2 выглядит это примерно так
/equip <Name of you main hand weapon>
/equip <Name of your off hand item>
/equip Firestone


/equip <Name of your wand>
/cast Shoot

#showtooltip Minor Soulstone
/cast [modifier:alt,target=player] Minor Soulstone; [button:1] Minor Soulstone; [button:2] Create Soulstone

2 healthstones на одной кнопке
/cast [button:2] Greater Healthstone; [modifier:shift] Create Healthstone; [modifier:ctrl] Create Healthstone; Major Healthstone

Healthstone и Healing Potion
/use [button:1] Healthstone; [button:2] Superior Healing Potion

#showTooltip Master Healthstone
/cast [Group, Button:2] Ritual of souls
/cast [Button:2] Create Healthstone
/use [Button:1] Master Healthstone

ладно думаю про камни хватит приступим к описанию спелов

/cast [nocombat] Curse of Agony
/castsequence [nomodifier,combat] reset=target/combat Corruption,Life Tap,Drain Life,Health Funnel,Shoot
/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul(Rank 1)

/cast [nocombat] Amplify Curse
/stopcasting [nocombat]
/cast [nocombat] Curse of Agony
/castsequence [nomodifier,combat] reset=target/combat Corruption,Life Tap,Drain Life,Health Funnel,Shoot
/cast [modifier:alt] Drain Soul(Rank 1)

какже лок без фира можно его слегка модернезировать
/focus [target=focus, noexists][target=focus, dead] mouseover
/cast [nomodifier, target=focus] Fear
/stopmacro [nomodifier]
/clearfocus [modifier:ctrl]

#showtooltip Curse of Agony
#show Curse of Agony
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse of Agony


#showtooltip Curse of Exhaustion
#show Curse of Exhaustion
/cast Amplify Curse
/cast Curse of Exhaustion

анонс петов в чат /raid или /party
/script local C; if(GetNumRaidMembers()==0) then C = "PARTY" else C = "RAID" end SendChatMessage("Summoning %t to << "..GetMinimapZoneText().." >>. Please assist.", C)
/cast Ritual of Summoning

/stopattack [button:RightButton]
/stopcasting [button:RightButton]
/cast [button:LeftButton] Drain Soul(Rank 1)

небольшой поисковик
/castsequence [nocombat] find herbs, find minerals, sense demons

/script if GetContainerNumSlots(4)==GetInventoryItemCount("player",23) then PickupContainerItem(4,1); local a,b,c=GetCursorInfo(); if a=="item" and b==6265 then DeleteCursorItem(); else ClearCursor(); end; end
/cast Drain Soul(Rank 1)

по принципу похоже на предшествующие но понятно написаное
/stopmacro [noharm]
/cast [nomodifier,nochanneling:Drain Soul(Rank 1)] Drain Soul(Rank 1)
/cast [modifier:ctrl,nochanneling:Drain Mana] Drain Mana
/cast [modifier:alt,nochanneling:Drain Life] Drain Life

/clearfocus [button:2]
/focus [button:1,target=focus,dead];[target=focus, noexists,button:1]
/cast [button:1,target=focus] Banish

или так

/cast [modifier:shift] Banish(Rank 1); Banish



Некит блгдр за макросы)) теперь главное разобраться в этой красоте)))))


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