/script PetAttack ();
/script if (CheckInteractDistance("target",1)) then CastSpellByName ("Attack") else CastSpellByName ("Auto Shot") end;

Помочь пету
/script TargetUnit ("pet");
/script if (CheckInteractDistance("target",1)) then CastSpellByName("Attack") else CastSpellByName ("Auto Shot") end;

Лже смерть + отзыв пета
/cast Feign Death
/script PetFollow ();
/script PetPassiveMode ();
/p "Слухи о моей смерти сильно преувеличены  "

Хинтер марк + пет атак
/cast Hunter's Mark(Rank X)
/script PetAttack();

/cast [nopet] Call Pet; [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet
/clearfocus [target=focus, dead]
/focus [target=focus, exists] player; target
/clearfocus [target=focus, noharm]
/petattack [target=focus, exists]
/petfollow [target=focus, noexists]

/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Intimidation

/use Bladefist's Breadth
/cast Bestial Wrath
/cast Intimidation

/cast [pet:owl] Dive; [pet:cat] Dash; [pet] Growl

чуть не забыл пета же кормить тоже надо из ращета если еда лежит в первой сумке слот 13
/cast [nocombat] Feed Pet; [combat] Mend Pet
/use [nocombat] <food item>


/cast [combat] Mend Pet; [nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [nocombat] 1 13


/cast [pet, nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [pet:Cat/Ravager, nocombat] <food item>; [pet:Wind Serpent, nocombat] <food item>

и еще моно так

#show <food item>
/cast [modifier:alt][combat] Mend Pet; [pet, nocombat] Feed Pet
/use [pet, nocombat, nomodifier:alt] <food item>

хоть и писал про атаку пета но моно и так
/focus [target=pettarget,modifier:shift]
/petfollow [nomodifier:shift]
/target [modifier:shift] focus
/petattack [modifier:shift]

/petattack [pet,nomodifier]
/petfollow [pet,modifier]

/petfollow [target=pettarget,exists]
/petattack [target=pettarget,noexists]

Revive Pet -> Call Pet -> Mend Pet
/cast [modifier] Revive Pet; [target=pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; Mend Pet

Call Pet -> Revive Pet
/cast [nopet] Call Pet; Revive Pet

моно посложнее

/cast [modifier:alt] [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; [pet, nocombat, modifier:ctrl] Dismiss Pet

#showtooltip [nocombat,pet,target=pet,nodead,nomodifier] Feed Pet
/cast [nopet,modifier] Revive Pet; [target=pet,dead] Revive Pet; [nopet] Call Pet; [combat][modifier]Mend Pet
/stopmacro [combat]
/click FOM_FeedButton

Pet Treatment
#show [modifier:alt] Mutton Chop
/cast [nopet] Call Pet
/cast [target=pet, dead] Revive Pet
/cast [pet, nomodifier, button:1] Mend Pet
/cast [pet, nomodifier, button:2] Dismiss Pet
/cast [pet, modifier:alt] Feed Pet
/use [pet, modifier:alt] Mutton Chop

Mend Pet Tracker
/castsequence reset=15 Mend Pet, Raptor Strike

теперь немного о Shots

Aimed Shot -> Arcane Shot / Steady Shot
/castsequence [combat] reset=5 Arcane Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot, Steady Shot; [nocombat] Aimed Shot

/cast [target=focus,help] Misdirection; [help] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists] Misdirection

или проще

/cast [target="Tank"] Misdirection

но можно и посложнее

/focus [help]
/stopmacro [help]
/cast [target=focus,exists] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists] Misdirection

или так

/focus [help]
/script SendChatMessage ("You are now my FOCUS target","WHISPER",nil,UnitName("target"))
/stopmacro [help]
/y ~~Misdirecting on %f~~
/cast [target=focus,exists] Misdirection
текст собщения моно поменять

Rapid Fire -> Berserking -> Arcane Shot
#show Rapid Fire
/cast Rapid Fire
/cast Berserking
/cast Arcane Shot

Steady Shot -> Auto Shot
/assist [help, combat]
/stopmacro [help]
/castsequence reset=target/3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot

Kill Command macro
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command
/cast Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script local function x() end local y = UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = x
/cast Kill Command
/script UIErrorsFrame.AddMessage = y
/cast Steady Shot

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot, Auto Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/cast [target=pettarget] Kill Command
/castsequence reset=3 Steady Shot,Auto Shot
/cast Lightning Breath
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

#showtooltip Steady Shot
/assist [help,combat]
/stopmacro [help]
/castsequence reset=120 Bladefist's Breadth,Ancient Draenei War Talisman
/cast [target=pettarget,nodead,exists] Kill Command
/castsequence reset=combat/target Auto Shot, Steady Shot

Stings & Volleys
/cast [modifier:alt] Scorpid Sting; [modifier:ctrl] Tranquilizing Shot; Serpent sting[/

/cast [modifier:alt] Flare; Volley

Distracting Shot
/cast Distracting Shot

немного о ближнем бое так не все кату масленица до ханта иногда и доходят приходиться и драться в ручную

Raptor Strike + Wing Clip
/cast Raptor Strike
/cast Wing Clip

Call Pet or Mend Pet or Wing Clip + Raptor Strike
/castsequence [nopet] Call Pet; [nocombat] Mend Pet; reset=combat/target/10 Wing Clip, Raptor Strike, Raptor Strike, Raptor Strike

немного о ловушках (совсем не много)
#showtooltip [modifier:alt] Frost Trap; Freezing Trap
/cast [modifier:alt] Frost Trap; Freezing Trap

немного о Tracks
/castsequence [nocombat] reset=10 Find Minerals, Find Herbs, Track Beasts, Track Demons, Track Dragonkin, Track Elementals, Track Giants, Track Hidden, Track Humanoids, Track Undead

или так

/castsequence [nocombat,help] Find Herbs, Find Minerals
/castsequence [nocombat,noexists] Find Herbs, Find Minerals
/castsequence [nocombat,harm] Track Beasts, Track Demons, Track Dragonkin, Track Elementals, Track Giants, Track Hidden, Track Humanoids, Track Undead

дальше всякая всячина может пригодиться

/assist [target=focus, exists]
/cast [nocombat] attack;
/startattack [combat];

/cast [button:2] Aspect of the Pack; Aspect of the Cheetah

Hunter's Mark / Focus Target
#showtooltip Hunter's Mark
/cast [harm] Hunter's Mark;
/focus [help]

Hunter's Mark + Pet Attack
/cast Hunter's Mark

или так

#showtooltip Hunter's Mark
/cast Auto Shot
/cast Hunter's Mark

или так

#showtooltip Hunter's Mark
/cast [button:2] Hunter's Mark; Hunter's Mark
/stopmacro [button:2]

/cast [noactionbar:1] Aspect of the Hawk; [noactionbar:2] Aspect of the Monkey
/swapactionbar 1 2


/cast [noactionbar:1, nomodifier:alt] Aspect of the Hawk; [noactionbar:2, nomodifier:alt] Aspect of the Monkey; [modifier:alt] Aspect of the Viper
/swapactionbar [nomodifier:alt] 1 2

Aspect of the Monkey
/cast Aspect of the Monkey
/use Reins of the Spotted Frostsaber


#showtooltip Swift Pink Hawkstrider
/cast [button:1] Aspect of the Monkey
/use Swift Pink Hawkstrider
/use [button:2] Swift Pink Hawkstrider

reactive abilities
/cast Kill Command
/cast Mongoose Bite

можно добавить

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()

и это тоже не помешает

/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); UIErrorsFrame:Show()

aggro dump
/castsequence reset=30 Feign Death, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage, Disengage