innervate на себя
/cast [target=player] Innervate
/castsequence reset=target Thorns, Mark of the Wild
или чуть посложнее
#show Omen of Clarity
/castsequence [target=player] reset=20/combat Omen of Clarity, Mark of the Wild, Thorns
Gathering и Tracking Macros
/castsequence [nocombat, stance:3] reset=combat track humanoids, find herbs, find minerals
/castsequence [nocombat, nostance:3] find minerals, find herbs
Faerie Fire in caster or moonkin, or Feral Faerie Fire in bear/cat
/cast [stance:1/3] Faerie Fire (Feral)(); [stance:5][nostance] Faerie Fire()
Cyclone или использование trinket в feral form
/use [stance] Ogre Mauler's Badge
/stopmacro [stance]
/cast [nostance] Cyclone
/party casting CYCLONE on >>> %T <<<<
Hover Healing
#show Healing Touch
/cast [target=mouseover] Healing Touch;
Nature's Swiftness + Healing Touch
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast [target=player] Healing Touch(Rank 11)
но можно и посложнее
/cast Nature's Swiftness
/castsequence reset=25/combat/target [modifier:alt,target=player] Healing Touch(Rank 11), Rejuvenation; [help] Healing Touch(Rank 11), Rejuvenation;
Rejuvenation + Lifebloom
#showtooltip Rejuvenation
/castsequence reset=12 [target=player] Rejuvenation, Lifebloom
Regrowth + Rejuvenation
/castsequence Regrowth, Rejuvenation
Lifebloom и Rejuvenation
#tooltip Lifebloom
/cancelaura Cat Form
/cancelaura Dire Bear Form
/cancelaura Moonkin Form
/cancelaura travel form
/castsequence [target=target] reset=7 Lifebloom, Rejuvenation, Lifebloom
Rejuvenation and Swiftmend
#show Swiftmend
/castsequence [exists,help] reset=12/target Rejuvenation, Swiftmend
/stopmacro [exists,help]
/castsequence [target=player] reset=12 Rejuvenation, Swiftmend
Lifebloom on Focustarget
#show Lifebloom
/cast [target=focustarget, noharm] Lifebloom;
примеры Feral Macros
/cast Mangle (bear)()
/cast maul
или так
/use <item name>
/cast Mangle (bear)()
/cast maul
/cast Growl
Mangle (Cat)
/cast Mangle (Cat)
или так
/use <item name>
/cast Mangle (Cat)
/cast Tiger's Fury
/cast Ravage
но можно чуть посложнее
/cast [nostealth] Shred
/castsequence [stealth] reset=6 Tiger's Fury, Ravage
/stopmacro [stealth]
Pounce/Shred, Claw, Rake, Rip Finally
/castsequence reset=25/combat/target [Stealth] pounce; shred, claw, claw, rake, rip, claw, claw
Cat Opener(Pounce, Ravage)/"Normal" move (Claw, Rake, Mangle, Shred)
/cast [stance:3,stealth] pounce or ravage;
/cast [stance:3] Claw, Rake, Mangle or Shred;
и еще немного о стелсе
/cast [stealth] Pounce; Claw
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] Pounce; Mangle (Cat)(Rank 3)
/startattack [nostealth]
/cast [stealth] Ravage; Shred
/startattack [nostealth]
Bear Form/Spamable Attack
/cast Maul
/castrandom Mangle (Bear)(<Spell Rank here>), Faerie Fire (Feral)()
/cast Maul
/castrandom Mangle (Bear)(<Spell Rank here>), Mangle (Bear)(<Spell Rank here>), Lacerate, Faerie Fire (Feral)
для друидов очень полезно Root, DOT, Debuff
/castsequence Entangling Roots, Moonfire, Faerie Fire, Starfire
тоже самое но немного по другому
/castsequence Starfire, Moonfire, Entangling Roots, Insect Swarm, Faerie Fire
Caster Form/Moonfire
/cancelform [stance]
/cast [stance:5]Tree of Life;[nostance]Moonfire;
еще пару цепочек
/castsequence reset=target Entangling Roots, Insect Swarm, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire
/castsequence reset=target Insect Swarm, Faerie Fire, Moonfire, Starfire
Keep Rooted/sleeped
/clearfocus [button:2]
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] Entangling Roots
или так
/clearfocus [button:2]
/clearfocus [target=focus,dead]
/clearfocus [target=focus,noexists]
/focus [target=focus,noexists]
/cast [target=focus] hibernate
просто формы
#show <whatever spell icon you want>
/cancelform [stance,noflying]
/cast [nomodifier] Cat Form; [modifier:shift] Travel Form; [modifier:cntrl] Dire Bear Form
Cat Form, Prowl
#show Prowl
/cancelform [noflying,nostance:3]
/dismount [mounted,noflying]
/cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:3,nostealth] Prowl
/cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:3] Prowl
#show Prowl
/stopmacro [stealth]
/dismount [mounted,noflying]
/stopmacro [mounted][flying]
/cancelform [nostance:3]
/cast [nostance] Cat Form; [stance:3,nostealth,nocombat] Prowl
и еще несного про формы
#showtooltip [indoors] Fishing
/cast [swimming,nostance] Aquatic Form; [noswimming,nostance,nocombat,outdoors] Travel Form; [flyable,nostance,nocombat] Flight Form
/cast [outdoors, nocombat, flyable] Flight Form
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form
/cast Travel Form
/equip [nomodifier:shift, outdoors, nocombat, flyable, noswimming] Charm of Swift Flight
Multi-purpose Ability
/cast [nostance, nocombat, equipped:Fishing Pole] Fishing; [nostance, nocombat] Flight Form;
[nostance, combat] Cyclone; [stance:1] Demoralizing Roar; [stance:2] Aquatic Form;
[stance:3] Dash; [stance:4] Travel Form; [stance:5] Flight Form;